Saturday, 9 February 2013

It's all about LOVE

So Valentines Day is next week and your all properly wondering how my perfect day would be like. 
I think Valentines is more than the kisses, chocolate and cuddles... I wouldn't mind going out to a Steak House. That would be perfect, c'mon you have to admit it. 

And also something personal, like this 

 I've also have this plan in my head for the 14th and its to have a nice hot bath with pink flowers in it and also some beautiful yankee candles with some music, ugh DREAMS DREAMS...

Finally a perfect movie with a chocolate fondu with someone special (who doesn't like cuddling in bed while watching a movie?

and at the end of the day I would like to sleep in a king/double bed with white clean sheets with fairy lights and candles around the room with a perfect book to read before going to sleep

This day would be the most perfect day ever because I get to have a nice meal, a bath to relax, cuddles with someone I love with chocolate and at the end of the day I get to snuggle in a warm bed with a book to read, so I don't think any day could be anymore perfect then this especially on Valentines Day.

Comment what your perfect Valentines Day would be? 

1 comment:

  1. I want to do that 52 things I love about you for my boyfriend now! Dammit! I'm so bad at thinking of valentinsey stuff :-/ luckily I think he has the perfect evening planned for us :') he's going to cook me dinner and we're just going to spend the evening at his house, i can't wait :)
    Really like your blog and want to see more posts! Here's the link to mine if you want to check it out too:
